Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Bean Hits 40...

...and to celebrate we had a kareoke party. Lots of people turned up and for the most part had fun. I was still suffering from a cold and Bean was still recovering from one, but people sang and danced lots. The theme was Berlin Cabaret, which sounded like a good idea at the time, but was not the easiest thing to define. I fell back on a costume I had seen someone wear at the Berlin Cabaret in the Weinmar Room in Adelaide.
It was hot, damn hot. Didn't fire up the brazier we had borrowed really did not need it.
Friends from Melbourne came over, some brought children, some a desire to shop and one brought knitting needles and she proceeded to knit a coaster from balloon ribbons. It wrapped up around threeish and little Nykita slept through most of it.


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