Thursday, February 03, 2005

Bill O'Reilly

I have just seen Outfoxed. Well worth the look if you can.

Bill O'Reilly

  • is a right wing bigot.

  • is a liar.

  • is ignorant.

  • has opinions that are based on nothing at all.

  • is a complete moron.

  • is a racist.

  • is prejudice against every minority there is.

  • hates every country that isn't the US.

  • will hate the US as soon as you elect a democrat.

  • refuses to think.

  • forms an idea and will never let it go even if you present him with the truth.

  • has the most narrow view of anyone I've seen talk.

  • has an agenda to keep people ignorant.

This list can go on and on.

I could contratulate him on the increased chocolate rations he has managed, but he wouldn't get it; that would mean reading something other than the bible, or Bush administration propaganda, and that is never going to happen (1984 - Another book well worth the read).

One wonders why Rupert Murdock allows him to continue...

Oh, right, yeah. It's Rupert!


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