Monday, February 07, 2005

Events From Recent Times

The pope is unwell.

In the past the vatican has always claimed that the pope is recovering right up to the time they admit that he is dead.

No opinions on the current health of the current pope, just saying is all.

The G7 summit has concluded that they might as well right off the third worlds debt.
No shit Sherlock!
It's about time. They are now figuring out how to pay for it. How about, don't. Maybe your banks will then be worth on paper what they are actually worth!

It is interesting to note that there was one dissenting voice; from Washington.
No shit Sherlock.

Condoleezza Rice has suggested to Israel that they need to do some more towards the peace process
No shit Sherlock!

Condoleezza Rice has also told Russia that they need to do something to improve their democratic process if they are to remain friends with the US

Hang on girl, you haven't invaded Iran or North Korea yet!

So Rice has now listed the next set of wars (in order):

  1. Iran

  2. North Korea

  3. Syria

  4. Israel

  5. Russia

In Iraq we have Shiites proclaiming that they will implement good muslim law. How about implementing fair law that allows freedom of religion. Pass laws that protect individuals from harm and prosecution yet allows them the freedom to choose thier own path in life. Complete and true seperation of Church and State. Then you can point you finger at the US Administration and say "shape up or else." as there is no real seperation of church and state in the US.

Preemptive counter point:

Yeah, right. Try running for US president on and Athiest/Muslim/Jewish ticket, see how far you get.


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