Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A joke, right?

This site : Rice In 2008 is a joke, right?
It has to be, but I cannot see anything on it that implies it is a joke.

Of course it won't happen. Is Rice the best qualified for the job she's in? No idea, haven't seen the full list of candidates. If she was in the democrats, the answer would be, "Yes she is.". But as a republican it could simply be a token appointment to appease swinging white voters and convince the world that the GOP is not a racist party. They will never let her run for president. The argument they would put forward is that they are not reverse racists* either. No Rice will never be a republican president, she is both the wrong gender and color.

I hope she won't become president, because, based on her current performance re Iraq and WMD's I think she would be worse than W. Ditto goes for Cheney and any other republican.

*Reverse Racism: Racism that promotes a race as being all good. It is, perhaps, more insidious than normal racial vilification as a lot of people don't see it as racism. A black person is not, by default, a good, kind, intelligent and caring person, nor are they a bad, evil, dumb and callous person, they are just a person. The same can be said for anyone regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.


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